Mirrors of the Past: Paper Dolls

Mirrors of the Past: Paper Dolls will review the evolution of paper dolls, as well as their impact on society, through the ages. Paper dolls were originally intended for adult men's and women's entertainment. Their origins are found in fashion plates and collector's cards. Similar to dolls, once the adult was finished with the paper doll, it would be passed on to the children. Paper dolls were also an affordable and creative alternative to dolls for children. The first mass-produced paper doll, called "Fanny Gray", was printed by the Nichols Company in 1854. Most paper dolls are made out of simple paper or cardboard and sometimes it is laminated to give the doll more durability. From humble beginnings and illustrating domestic ideals of the previous generations to elaborate art pieces representing celebrities, minority stereotypes, and different careers, paper dolls have developed tremendously with the times. Paper dolls mirror the time era they were created in. 

Mirrors of the Past: Paper Dolls will include four main displays: "Godey's Lady's Book", "Wilbur's Cocoa "Over the Top" Collector's Cards", "Shirley Temple Paper Dolls", and "Tom Tierney - American Family Paper Dolls".