The Release and Controversy - circa 2004 - 2011

Controversial Ad.jpg

This poster ad for the Nintendo DS was subject to controversy as the poster promoted the slogan, "touching is good". 

This commercial is voiced by a woman who asks viewers to "...touch the bottom rectangle...", to promote the new touchscreen feature on the DS. 

(Viewer discretion advised)

Right before the DS was released, marketing ads were continually bashed by the public. Various ads were dispersed across the market with slogans such as "touching is good", "touch me", and more. There were also various commercials with young female voices, speaking seductively through innuendos to get consumers to buy the product. The purpose of this type of promotion was to attract teenage and adult males to the DS. Nintendo made these individuals their intended audience and not children and therefore marketed toward an older crowd. 

Nintendo DS Line Outsells PlayStation 2, Nintendo Says _ WIRED.pdf

This WIRED article shows the success that Nintendo had accumulated over the years thanks to the DS.

Regardless of its protestors, the DS became a huge success. Nintendo was now on the up and up again, even surpassing Playstation 2 sales, and by 2011, the DS had become the best-selling game system in the history of the United States. Nintendo had saved its company.  

The Release and Controversy - circa 2004 - 2011