2007 Easy Bake Oven and Snack Center

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2007 Easy Bake Oven and Snack Center

In 2007, the Energy Independence Act put out that by 2012, lightbulbs had to increase their efficiency by 25%. So this meant that the Easy Bake Oven needed to be redesigned to where the heating element was a ceramic heating element like real ovens. This new version of the Easy Bake Oven featured a “front loading slot” instead of the push through tray. The new slot caused many children’s hands to get burned, because of where the heating element was. In this version, the heating element was near the pushing entrance of the oven. Many children received dangerous burns, and Hasbro (who now manufactures the toy) recalled that model and redesigned it to where the heating element was away from where children can burn themselves. The new redesigned oven came out in 2011.

2007 Easy Bake Oven and Snack Center