Beginning of the Easy Bake Oven

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Original 1963 Kenner Easy Bake Oven 

In the early 1960s Kenner toy company was looking for an idea for a toy that kids could play with that would resemble what they would see adults do. Norman Shapiro, who showcased toys in Macy’s in New York City, was in New York City and got the idea of the Easy Bake Oven when he saw a pretzel vendor. In 1963, the original Easy Bake Oven came out in stores. The first version of the Easy Bake Oven came in pale pastel colors, yellow or blue, to mock popular home kitchens during the time period. The Oven has a handle at the top, a slot to push the dessert into, and a cooling rack that looks like a stove. When the original Easy Bake Oven got to stores, they sold immediately-everyone wanted the Easy Bake Oven. Advertisements included phrases like “just like Mom’s—bake your cake and eat it, too!”, which appeared in magazines, comics, and popular TV shows. Soon after the Ovens sold, Kenner started to create and advertise baking mixes.

Beginning of the Easy Bake Oven