2013 Easy Bake Ultimate Oven

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2013 Easy Bake Ultimate Oven 

This version of the Easy Bake Oven is the newest version, after the recall in 2007. This version of the oven has one large slot inside where children can push the baking dish in through one end and pull out the baking dish out the other once the dessert is finished. This version of the Easy Bake Oven featured bright colors and patterns, especially colors like pink and purple and flower, girly designs. The Easy Bake Oven was always geared towards girls since the 1960s. Commercials for the oven featured mothers and their daughters playing with the oven together. The toy was never meant for boys-until 2002 where Hasbro put out a Queasy Bake Oven that included recipes like Mud & Crud Cakes and Larvae-Licious Cocoon Cookies. Later on, with the 2013 Easy Bake Ultimate Oven Hasbro put out more gender neutral colors and designs to appeal to boys as well. Today, The Easy Bake Oven is viewed as a fun toy for children to play with and also is very nostalgic for adults that used to play with it as kids. 

2013 Easy Bake Ultimate Oven